
Types of Customised LASIK

Why Choose Us?

We perform Advanced Customised Treatments with LASIK Xtra (PerfectShape® LASIK Xtra) because it improves the:

With this combination, the patients achieve:

  1. Higher perfect vision (20/20) rates
  2. Very low enhancement rates - less than 1%
  3. Decreased risk of glare and halos
  4. High contrast vision
  5. Very stable results for many years - very low regression

Contact us for your LASIK experience!

Additions to Advanced Customised LASIK

There are 2 additions to PerfectShape® (Advanced Customised) LASIK that has been discovered to help improve the results.

  1. LASIK Xtra

    This is a very rapid strengthening of the cornea using Corneal Collagen Crosslinking (CXL) performed immediately after the excimer laser has changed the shape of the cornea.

    Advantages of LASIK Xtra™:

    • Reduce weakening of the cornea
    • Reduces the risk of a shifted or wrinkled flap by helping the flap adhere better to the cornea
    • Better, more stable and accurate results

    Grading for comparing Night Vision before and after PerfectShape<sup>®</sup> LASIK

    Patients' response to questionnaire on night vision

    Accuracy of treatment of myopic patients

    Accuracy of treatment of myopic patients from 0 to -18.00 dioptres (0 to 1800 degrees)

    Cumulative UDVA - Percentage

    Results of patients' vision after Advanced Customised LASIK Xtra surgery +5.00 to -5.00 dioptres (500 degrees hyperopia to 500 degrees myopia)

    Refractive outcome - Percentage within | Atempted |

    Results of patients' refractive power after Advanced Customised LASIK Xtra surgery +5.00 to -5.00 dioptres (500 degrees hyperopia to 500 degrees myopia)

  2. NeuroLASIK

    Patients can now optimise their LASIK result with NeuroLASIK. NeuroLASIK is a combination of PerfectShape® (Advanced Customised) LASIK and RevitalVision therapy.

    NeuroLASIK enhances the ability of your brain to see better.

    This results in giving you a higher chance of achieving your best vision after LASIK with us.

    More information on the results of NeuroLASIK can be found in Durrie et al.’s study.

Our Technology ›

Advanced Customised LASIK Xtra
Types of Customised LASIK
Why choose us for LASIK?
Our Technology
Your LASIK Experience
▪ Your LASIK Journey
▪ Your LASIK Surgery
Jerry Tan Eye Surgery - Singapore - Why Choose Us For Lasik